The Tap Ambassador: Helping Create a 1 in a million, Self-Pour Experience.
By operating with a self-pour system, your staff is freed up to be used in different and more creative ways. Thus, enters an individual that goes by many names: Tap Ambassador, Beertender, Pour Expert, Customer Service Specialist, etc. But who is this mysterious individual? What do they do? For the sake of this article, we’ll be calling this person a Tap Ambassador, but feel free to come up with your own name.
Tap Ambassadors: Who are they?
The Tap Ambassador is a staff member who hangs out around your tap wall and interacts with your thirsty customers. Depending on your concept and the size of your tap wall, they may be manning their post at all times or just during peak hours. A Tap Ambassador should have exceptional interpersonal skills, the ability to react fast, and knowledge of beer and self-pour technology. An ideal candidate for this role would be a former bartender, but any energetic and enthusiastic member of your staff could make a great fit.
Tap Ambassadors: What do they do?
Educate and Interact
There is a common misconception that self-pour systems take away from the social and educational interaction between staff and customers. We argue that there is a much higher level of interaction between customers and the Tap Ambassador. During high volumes at a normal bar, customers may never actually see a bartender’s face. All they see is their back turned to them filling up beers and then moving on to the next. A Tap Ambassador is not hidden behind a bar. They are out on the floor in the heat of battle answering any questions a customer may have with the best attitude possible.
For many of your customers, it may be their first time pouring their own beer or their first time seeing self-pour technology. With any newbie, there is the chance of them pouring a foamy beer. The Tap Ambassador should combat foam at all costs by giving customers tips or even showing them how to pour an ounce or two. Naturally, customers will be in awe of your self-pour wall. They’ll probably have some questions about the technology. The Tap Ambassador can fill them in on how the system works and why it is so innovative.
Pro Tip: You can also use your RFID cards or signage to educate customers on how to pour their own beer. The step-by-step process can be printed on your RFID cards or displayed with some cool graphics above your tap wall.
For breweries and taprooms, it is extremely important that customers be educated on the different beers being offered. The Tap Ambassador should be a cicerone of sorts. They should have advanced knowledge of all beers on tap, know what foods they pair with best, and be able to recommend certain selections to customers based on their taste profile. A customer wants to find the perfect beer. A great benefit of self-pour is that they can go on this search ounce by ounce, rather than beer by beer. The Tap Ambassador should be seen as their tour guide.
Did you know? Table Tap’s display screens are also beer educational. When a customer taps a brand image, a description of that beer will pop up along with the brewery, its ABV, and more! These descriptions are automatically downloaded straight from Untappd but are customizable as well.
In any venue that serves alcohol and allows underage customers, there is the risk of underage drinking. It’s unavoidable unless your venue is strictly 21 and up. That is why the Tap Ambassador should be keeping an eye on who is pouring from the tap wall.
The Tap Ambassador should also monitor customers’ sobriety as they pour. After a customer pours 32 ounces, they will reach their dispense limit. Luckily, Table Tap offers mobile activation stations that the Tap Ambassador can carry around. This means instead of having to go back to the check-in area, a customer can get their dispense limit reset right at the tap wall. Before resetting their limit, the Tap Ambassador should evaluate whether or not that customer can safely consume another 32 ounces.
All in all, a Tap Ambassador can be an integral part of a self-pour establishment. Their main goal is to keep customers happy and their glass full. It is completely up to you to employ this role as you see fit. Whether you have a Tap Ambassador or not, the priority is always that customers are having an amazing self-pour experience!